
EURAD programme, Sogin at the ACED/DONUT conference

17 November 2023


Sogin took part in the Workshop ‘Assessing the long-term evolution of engineered barrier systems of waste disposal systems’, jointly organised by the ACED (Assessment of Chemical Evolution of ILW and HLW Disposal Cells) and DONUT (Development and Improvement Of Numerical Methods and Tools for Modelling Coupled Process) work packages within the EURAD (European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management) programme. 

Held from 8 to 10 November in Mechelen (Belgium), the conference was the final stage of a European research project that studied the Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS) used in radioactive waste disposal repositories. Targeted to project partners and all external stakeholders, the conference discussed the long-term evolution of EBS radionuclide containment performance as a key element to be considered in both repository design and safety analysis. A Sogin representative lectured on ‘Sensitivity analysis of the main radionuclide transport parameters through the EBS of a Near Surface Nuclear Waste Repository by means of machine learning techniques’ on Friday 10 November. 

EURAD is the joint European programme on radioactive waste management established with the aim of supporting EU Member States in implementing Directive 2011/70/Euratom (Waste Directive) while working with their own national programmes. Building on the European Commission's JOPRAD project, the EURAD project will help Member States acquire the necessary expertise to implement safe and long-term radioactive waste management also by sharing knowledge on the management of radioactive waste disposal repositories. 

For more information on the EURAD - ACED / DONUT workshop, please visit  the dedicated page​.​