Management Of Conventional Materials

As shown in the table, 34 thousand tons (44%) out of a total of about 77 thousand tons of materials – mainly consisting of concrete and metal components - resulting from the dismantling of Saluggia Plant will be recovered.
Moreover, as for other sites under decommissioning, the treatments carried out by Sogin in Saluggia structures and plants aim to minimize radioactive waste, in line with the principles of circular economy. For example, the cutting-edge process of cementation, envisaged by the CEMEX project, will allow reducing the volume of the final products resulting from the cementation of liquid radioactive waste by 5%.
Similarly, a sustainable approach was adopted in reusing pre-existing abandoned buildings for the Temporary Repository D2, thus avoiding the exploitation of other lands of the site.
​​Economia circolare
Saluggia Nuclear Power Plant – Destination of materials